Sheffield Technology Parks: catalysing growth, influencing policy and fostering a robust tech ecosystem.

Sheffield Technology Parks: catalysing growth, influencing policy and fostering a robust tech ecosystem.

Sheffield Technology Parks (STP) is a cornerstone of Sheffield's tech landscape. We offer vital support and infrastructure to a diverse collection of businesses, catalysing innovation and economic growth in the region. Our recent Impact Assessment, which uses data from our community of businesses taken over the past three years, tells a fuller story of the economic role of STP. We’ve summarised the highlights for you here and there’s a link at the bottom of the page if you'd like to read the report.

Economic contribution and job creation

Currently hosting 30 businesses and supporting over 200 employees alongside freelance workers, STP tenants contribute approximately £14 million net Gross Value Added (GVA) annually to Sheffield's economy each year. This figure reflects not only direct contributions from STP businesses but also the ripple effects throughout the local supply chain and economy.

Over the past three years, our tennant businesses have created 96 net new jobs, the majority being highly-skilled, well-paid roles. This helps the city to keep hold of talented people as well as attracting talent to relocate from outside the region, both bringing obvious economic benefits.

Supportive ecosystem and programs

We go beyond providing physical space; at STP we foster a supportive and inclusive environment which is helping to diversify and expand the tech ecosystem, and is making Sheffield a natural home for ambitious tech entrepreneurs. 

The Cooper Project exemplifies this commitment, offering free co-working space, access to Business Sheffield’s Tech Scale advisors, and a vibrant community that facilitates networking and collaboration. The LOCATE project attracts tech businesses to Sheffield, providing them with essential infrastructure and connections, enriching the city's tech ecosystem and facilitating inward investment.

Qualitative and intangible benefits

While the economic impact is quantifiable, we know there are also broader, qualitative benefits. As a non-profit organisation, STP reinvests profits back into cultivating entrepreneurship and supporting economic development initiatives. 

This includes our business incubator, the Cooper Project, and our role in city development projects such as the Innovation Spine, an initiative to link the infrastructure required to grow knowledge-led businesses in the city centre.

So, through the rent they pay, businesses choosing to locate at STP are supporting the wider tech ecosystem, the next generation of founders and contributing to significant enhancements in the city.

STP has a voice in public sector conversations and maintains close relationships with Sheffield City Council, the Mayoral Combined Authority, Business Sheffield, and the Sheffield Incubator and Accelerator Network. This engagement ensures that STP, as a champion and advocate for Sheffield's tech sector, remains at the forefront of high level discussions shaping the future of the city and region.

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